Director of Educational Services
ext. 5002
The Highland Park Public Schools Department of Educational Services believe that all students can and must have an opportunity to reach their potential. It is the intent of the Special Education Department to take the necessary measures through specialized programming, services, and support to meet the needs of individual students and to ensure that they receive an appropriate educational experience regardless of disability.
Highland Park Public Schools provides a full continuum of special education programs and services to our students who have Individual Education Programs (IEPs). The Special Education Department's goal is to provide students with a free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive environment. Based on IEP recommendations, students with disabilities have access to many learning environments in our schools and specialized programs outside of the district. This includes in-class support, resource centers, self-contained classrooms including Autism, Language and Learning Disabled (LLD), Emotional Regulation Programs (LINKS), a 12+ GLOW Program, as well as both Preschool Disabled (PSD) and integrated preschool classrooms. In addition to special education programs, Highland Park Public Schools also provides related services such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, behavioral supports, and counseling. All of these services are provided based on IEP recommendations.
Director of Educational Services
ext. 5002
Supervisor of Educational Services
Homeless Liaison & Educational Stability Liaison
ext. 5003
Administrative Secretary
ext. 5002
Administrative Secretary
ext. 5003
Assitant Administrative Secretary
ext. 5004